HSBC offers two savings accounts, neither of which have minimum balance requirements or charge monthly fees. Serious Saver only pays interest in the months when you don’t make withdrawals. Serious Saver also pays bonus interest for the first four months the account is open. Flexi Saver pays bonus interest in the months after you increase your net balance by at least $300.
The HSBC website also offers an online tool which will help you figure out how much your savings will be worth should you get an HSBC savings account. This could help you figure out which savings account would best suit your financial goals or savings plans.
They also have another online tool which will help you determine how much your spending reductions would be worth in the long run. It could help you decide what to spend less on in order to tighten your budget. With this money management tool, you will get a better idea on how the little things you spend on add up to substantial amounts of money that you’re better off saving instead.
HSBC is one of the world’s largest banks and has offices in 67 countries. HSBC also offers term deposits, credit cards, home loans, personal loans and financial planning.