Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Laine Gordon is the Head of Public Relations at RateCity and an experienced journalist and research specialist. With a background in news and feature writing, covering finance, media and even food (a passion of hers) at Reed Elsevier publications, Laine brings almost two decades of experience to the team. Having covered major areas of interest to the general public from hip pocket issues to rising and falling interest rates and the impact to mortgages, credit and saving in Australia, she is passionate about researching and telling people’s stories to help others make better decisions about their own finances.

1021 articles written by Laine Gordon

Home Loans

Mortgage lenders that reward you for your loyalty

Some smaller lenders are rewarding loyal borrowers by offering substantial discounts on their home loans after a period of time, but while these may seem attractive are you really better off?

Credit Cards

Treasury proposes credit card regulations

As Australia's level of credit card debt gets out of control, the federal Treasury has released a green paper to help protect consumers from overspending on credit cards. The green paper refers to Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) data that shows Australians accumulated a total credit card debt worth $4.8 billion as at September, an increase of $143 million from August.

Car Insurance

How to avoid having your car insurance claim rejected

When accidents occur it can be a stressful time, making it easy to forget pieces of information that could be the difference between your comprehensive car insurance claim being rejected or approved.

Home Loans

The seesaw of fixed and variable home loans

While rates for some variable home loans have increased and fixed mortgage rates dropped, will borrowers be better off fixing their home loans right now? Out of more than 100 lenders monitored by RateCity, 66 have increased their variable home loan rates by as much as 45 basis points from November 1 to November 22.

Savings Accounts

Aussies could be missing out on $3.6 billion in interest

If you currently have money sitting in a savings account you could be one of the many people missing out on your share of $3.6 billion of unclaimed interest. But there is good news: all you need to do is switch accounts and find a better deal to get your share.

Home Loans

Do fixed rate home loans help you save?

If some people can save more by fixing their home loan rate, how do you know when it is the right time to fix? Knowing whether to fix or not is the question on most home buyers minds, but this decision all depends on the market and timing.

Home Loans

To build or not to build? That is the question

Are you in the market for a new home? RateCity helps you decide between building a new house or purchasing an existing home.

Home Loans

Does a mortgage offset account save you money?

Are you paying off a mortgage but also have some money saved? There is a way that you can use your savings to help save interest on your home loan. But if it's not used wisely it can end up costing you more.

Home Loans

Are you really stuck with your home loan for life?

Want to move your home loan but worried you are locked in for life? With the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) cracking down on excessive early exit fees and several major banks slashing their mortgage exit fees, the chains around your mortgage could be getting looser.

Car Insurance

Reduce your car insurance bill and your stress levels

More people are struggling to make ends meet and pay for bills such as car insurance and will likely keep feeling this way for some time, according to a recent survey from Wesley Mission.