Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Laine Gordon is the Head of Public Relations at RateCity and an experienced journalist and research specialist. With a background in news and feature writing, covering finance, media and even food (a passion of hers) at Reed Elsevier publications, Laine brings almost two decades of experience to the team. Having covered major areas of interest to the general public from hip pocket issues to rising and falling interest rates and the impact to mortgages, credit and saving in Australia, she is passionate about researching and telling people’s stories to help others make better decisions about their own finances.

1021 articles written by Laine Gordon

Savings Accounts

Saving for the Jones's Aussies showing off their savings success

Australians are more worried about their neighbours finding out their financial hardships, than actually going through the hardship itself, according to a new international survey.

Savings Accounts

21st century savings How to win back your money and time

Technology is becoming even more important for Australian savers, as the popularity of electronic funds climbs. There is still room for many to sign up to new and safe methods of managing their finances, which offer a range of savings and benefits.

Savings Accounts

New Year's Resolution More money from your savings

2010 will be the year for better interest rates on savings accounts so why not take advantage by starting up a savings plan for your New Year’s Resolution?

Savings Accounts

Don't let the banks steal your savings!

Not all saving accounts are equal. When it comes to how they calculate and pay interest, it’s definitely worth checking the terms and conditions before you open a new savings account.

Home Loans

Loan portability Take your mortgage with you and save

The ability to transfer your home loan from one house to another, without having to fork out for the usual set-up and exit fees, is an increasingly attractive loan feature. Loan portability, as this feature is known, is available on a growing number of home loans.

Home Loans

Offset versus redraw the winner is -

When you’re paying off a home loan, it doesn’t always make sense to hold savings in an interest-bearing account. Redraw facilities and offset accounts let borrowers use their spare cash to whittle away the mortgage. But which option offers the biggest savings?

Home Loans

When a cheap home loan could be costly

Not surprisingly, borrowers often make the interest rate their key point of consideration when shopping for a home loan. But a low rate doesn’t always offer the best deal

Home Loans

Is it too late to switch to a fixed rate home loan?

Interest rates have begun their upward climb, sending a collective frown across the foreheads of Australians with a home loan. The question of fixing your home loan’s interest rate or taking a punt with a variable rate is no doubt rearing its head with increasing frequency.

Home Loans

2010 Hotspots Biggest property bargains revealed

A report of Australia’s cheapest property areas reveal ’hotspots’ for price growth that are almost $400,000 less than median house prices across the country. These bargain properties are fodder for investors, and home buyers wishing to own a property outright as soon as possible.

Home Loans

Bricks and boards - Construction loans solve housing shortage

Many home loan borrowers are now considering taking up construction loans to save on costs and help with building more homes for future generations. The housing shortage is crippling Australia, according to experts who believe that the undersupply of properties will cause future suffering for home buyers.