What is a variable-rate loan?

A variable-rate loan is one where the lender can change the interest rate whenever it wants. For example, if you sign up for a variable-rate loan at 8.75 per cent, the lender might change the interest rate to 8.90 per cent the month after and then 8.65 per cent the month after that. By contrast, if you take out a five-year fixed-rate loan at 8.75 per cent, the lender is obliged to leave your interest rate at 8.75 per cent for at least five years.

What is borrowing capacity?

Borrowing capacity is the amount of money that a consumer is able to borrow from a lender. Each consumer’s circumstances are unique, so different people will have different borrowing capacities. Lenders use their own in-house formulas to calculate borrowing capacity, so the same consumer might have different borrowing capacities at different lenders.

What is comprehensive insurance?

Comprehensive insurance protects you in the event you’re responsible for a car accident. Policies vary from provider to provider, but comprehensive insurance generally covers you for damage to your car and property, as well as the other parties’ cars and property. A comprehensive insurance policy may also protect you from theft, vandalism and natural disasters.

What is vehicle finance?

Vehicle finance, also known as a car loan, is money that a consumer borrows with the express purpose of buying a vehicle, such as a car, motorbike, van, truck or campervan. Vehicle finance can be used for both new and used vehicles.

What is resale value?

The resale value is the price you could realistically charge if you were to sell your car. Almost every car loses value each year, although at different rates. As a guide, cars depreciate on average by 14 per cent per year in the first three years and then eight per cent per year after that.

What is a credit score?

Your credit score is a number that represents how credit-worthy you are. The higher your credit score, the more credit-worthy you are and the more likely you are to receive loans from credit providers.

There is no industry standard for credit scores – different credit reporting bodies use different methodologies. For example, Equifax gives consumers scores between 0 and 1,200; Illion (through the Credit Simple service) gives scores between 0 and 1,000; and Experian gives scores between 0 and 999.

When it comes to car loans, lenders tend to offer lower interest rates to borrowers with better credit score. There are steps you can take to improve your credit score, including paying bills on time and paying off existing loans.

What is an operating lease?

An operating lease is an arrangement by which a company leases a car from a vehicle fleet supplier for a set period. It’s a bit like a long-term car rental in that the company gains access to the car but the supplier retains ownership. Companies like operating leases because they are tax-deductible and because they save the company from having to make a large upfront payment to buy a car.

How to get pre-approved for a credit union car loan?

Getting pre-approval for a credit union car loan can make the process and paperwork required to buy a car more streamlined and less stressful. You can apply for pre-approval for a credit union car loan, online or contact your credit union. You’ll be asked to provide relevant documentation regarding your income. After you submit your application, your credit union will review and evaluate it along with the documents you submitted. If you meet the eligibility criteria, your loan will be pre-approved for a specific amount.

With pre-approval for a credit union car loan in hand, you can negotiate your new car’s price with peace of mind you have the funds.

How to get pre-approval for a car loan from Westpac?

You can easily apply for pre-approval on your Westpac car loan over the phone, in the branch or online. A fast way to apply for pre-approval is by applying online as the application process only takes around 10-15 minutes to complete.

While filling out the application, you’ll need to answer specific questions about your financial situation, like your income, assets, debts, and expenses. You’ll also have to provide supporting documentation, especially if you’re not an existing customer.

Once you’ve submitted the application, and meet the eligibility criteria, Westpac will likely take up to 2 days to provide pre-approval. After you get pre-approval, you’ll know the size of the car loan Westpac is willing to offer you. You’ll then have 30 days to find your new car within the pre-approved amount.

How do I get car loan approval from Bankwest?

Bankwest offers loans for cars that are less than seven years old or have a minimum value of $10,000. Loan terms are between three and seven years  at a fixed interest rate, with the option to make extra payments without any extra charges.

To apply for Bankwest car loan pre-approval, you’ll need proof of your identity and income. You’ll also need other documentation, such as insurance certificates and registration papers. 

Once you receive conditional approval and have selected your car, you may have to provide supporting documents to proceed to the next stage.

Promoted products


Money Place Australia Pty Ltd

New Car Loan (Excellent Credit)

Real Time Rating™
  • $5k to $80k
  • 3 to 7 years
  • Fixed Rate
  • Secured
Interest Rate




up to 8.23%

Comparison Rate*





Money Place Australia Pty Ltd

Used Car Loan (Excellent Credit)

Real Time Rating™
  • $5k to $80k
  • 3 to 7 years
  • Fixed Rate
  • Secured
Interest Rate




up to 8.77%

Comparison Rate*





OurMoneyMarket Services Pty Ltd

New Car Loan

Real Time Rating™
  • $2k to $75k
  • 1 to 7 years
  • Fixed Rate
  • Secured
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*




OurMoneyMarket Services Pty Ltd

Used Car Loan | No vehicle age limit

Real Time Rating™
  • $2k to $75k
  • 1 to 7 years
  • Fixed Rate
  • Secured
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*

