Does your partner’s credit score affect yours?

It might be a little too forward to ask a potential love interest what their credit score is on the first date. But if you’re starting to get serious, it could be time for a serious conversation.

Will a balance transfer improve your credit score?

When you’re struggling to get on top of your credit card debt, one solution that may offer some financial relief is a balance transfer. However, you may be curious as to how this may affect your credit history and score.

What is Equifax One Score, and how does it change credit scores?

Australian credit reporting bureau Equifax has rolled out a new credit score system and it could mean your credit behaviours are better reflected.

How good debts and bad debts can affect your credit score

With political commentators discussing whether the latest Federal Budget has put Australia into too much debt (we’ll leave that debate to the experts), some everyday Aussies may be concerned about the debts in their own household budgets, and what they could mean for their financial futures.

Does being a guarantor affect your credit score?

Everyone needs a helping hand occasionally, and you may have extended yours to help family or a partner secure finance. Whether you’ve gone guarantor on a home loan, personal loan, or a car loan, this will have an impact on your credit score.

Is your credit score recognised worldwide?

With international travel starting to warm up again, more options to migrate for the sake of your career are becoming available. So, if you're coming to Australia and have an American credit score, does it work in Australia? What about in Europe? Does your credit score come with you on your travels?

Does getting married change your credit score?

Getting married is meant to be one of the happiest times of your life, so it goes without saying the last thing you’ll be thinking about is how your credit score comes into play. But before you walk down the aisle, it may be worth considering the impact on your personal finances and your credit history.

What is the earliest age you can get a credit score?

Whether you’re nearing the end of school, or you’re the parent of a child who is considering applying for financial products, understanding the basics of credit scores is essential. Australian credit reports may begin at 18 years old, but there are key things to keep in mind.

Will you hurt your credit score if you cancel your credit card?

If you have a credit card that you’ve successfully paid off in full, and perhaps feel that you’d be better off without for one reason or another, you might be considering cancelling it and closing the account altogether.

The difference between a good and a bad credit score in personal loans

Your credit score plays one of the most important roles in a personal loan application. But exactly how different could a personal loan interest rate be, based on good or bad credit scores?

Four habits to learn to love to keep your credit score top notch

Being mindful of your financial habits can make a big difference to how easy or hard it is to keep your credit score at the top end of the band. Here are four of the top ways to maintain or grow a good credit score:

What has the biggest impact on your credit score?

You’d be surprised just how many of your everyday financial decisions impact your credit history. But which event makes the biggest impact on your credit score?

Do unpaid taxes affect your credit score?

Your unpaid personal taxes should not affect your credit score in most cases, though unpaid business taxes may be another story.

What is a good credit score?

Whether or not you have a good credit score could mean the difference between borrowing the amount you want on a competitive interest rate and not being approved at all.

Does your credit score directly relate to how much money you can take out?

If you’re applying for credit products you may be wondering how much your credit score comes into play. But did you know your credit score may impact the amount of money you’re approved for?

Why a credit score check doesn't affect your credit score

You may have heard that when a bank or lender performs a credit check, that can potentially reduce your credit score, making it harder to borrow money in the future. However, checking your own credit score isn’t the same as a credit check from a bank, and does not hurt your credit score. Here’s why.

Why your credit score differs between Experian and Equifax

Let’s take a look into why your credit score may differ between Experian and Equifax, and practical steps you may take today to boost your credit score.

What are the different types of credit scores?

When you apply for a loan or a credit card, the lender will check for your credit score. There are different kinds of credit reporting agencies, each with their own types of credit scores and systems of collating your financial data.