Rental gone sour

Pet tarantulas, freeloading friends, amateur band practice in the living room; many of us have experienced living with a housemate from hell. Nevertheless a rental squeeze is pushing more Australians towards sharing leased accommodation to better afford a home in a convenient location, with more appeal and better amenities.

Lenders must disclose key home loan facts

The key home loan facts sheet legislation aims to make it simpler for borrowers to compare similar products before they apply for a home loan.

Home loan facts sheets and comparisons

Trying to locate the best home loan can feel impossible when you have no idea what you are comparing. Comparing Australian home loans used to be hard work but thanks to the federal government and the use of technology it's becoming a lot easier to identify the best from the worst.

Why wait? Buy now with little deposit

Despite reports that Australians are living in some of the largest homes in the world, new research shows the average Aussie can no longer afford to buy the average house.

Rate cut could mean $55m boost for retail

Over $50 million per month of additional retail spending could be freed up if the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) cut the official cash rate by just 25 basis points, new figures from RateCity show.

Calculate your mortgage payments

RateCity’s calculators for mortgages can make the process of finding a suitable home loan simpler. That's because our calculators for mortgages allow you to not only calculate the costs of interest long term and the monthly repayment you'll be up for, but you can even determine the costs of a specific mortgage product you may be interested in.

Securing your first home loan

Buying your first home involves a lengthy process of searching, researching and shopping around. Once you have an idea of what your ideal home looks like, the next step is finding the perfect home loan to match.

What is a mortgage?

Whether you are after a variable or fixed rate mortgage, or a principal and interest (P&I) or interest-only loan, shopping around for home loans can make all the difference when deciding which home loan product is suitable for you.

Your home loan options

The total cost of your home loan can vary substantially depending on the lender and home loan you choose. That's why it's important to consider all your options before committing to one particular home loan or loan type.

Could you go a year without shopping?

Many Australians are very good at buying and accumulating stuff and, unlike generations before us, not so good at re-using and repairing old stuff. But if it meant giving your bank balance – and the planet – a boost, could you go without shopping for one year?

Is a variable rate home loan right for you?

In Australia you have the choice to fix your home loan rate or select a variable rate home loan. Variable rate home loans are a popular choice for Australians, however individual financial circumstances differ greatly and will dictate which home loan type will best suit you.

How to search for a mortgage

The mortgage loan market is a search term that web browsers use when starting the hunt for a home loan from a bank, building society or credit union.

About variable rate home loans

Variable rate home loans are the most popular type of home loans in Australia. They are offered by most home loan lenders including Australian banks, credit unions and building societies.

Dodge the taxman to supersize your savings

How would you like a savings account with an interest rate 60 basis points (or more) above the best savings accounts on the market, that is not only delivered tax-free, but could also help to clear your mortgage years early?

Aussie home loan choices

You may wonder if the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is setting the benchmark cash rate for lenders to follow, then why aren't lenders strictly following this. It's true that in reality many lenders make moves independently of the RBA, so it's vital that you seek out the best home to suit your personal needs.

How to work out your home loan repayments online

Dreams are dashing but one that seems consistent with Australians is the dream of owning their own home. With some hard saving, a plan and the right personal circumstance it's an achievable dream. But you shouldn’t jump in, eyes closed, or your home loan repayments could turn into your personal nightmare.

Three ways to help pay off your home loan sooner

At the end of the day, when it comes to your home loan, we all want to pay it off sooner rather than later. By identifying ways to pay down your home loan debt faster using tools such as our home loan calculator, repayments can be slashed fast, helping you achieve that goal.

Why ticking the wrong box could cost you $80K

If you've got a home loan or are considering borrowing to buy property this year then stay tuned, because one simple piece of advice for the mortgage application process could save you tens of thousands of dollars.

Promoted home loans products

Promoted Pty Ltd

Solar Home Loan

Real Time Rating™
  • Owner Occupied
  • Fixed undefined year
  • 10% min deposit
  • P&I
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*



Promoted Pty Ltd

Variable Home Loan

Real Time Rating™
  • Owner Occupied
  • Fixed undefined year
  • 10% min deposit
  • P&I
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*




Unloan (a division of CBA)

Variable Rate Home Loan LVR < 80%

Real Time Rating™
  • Owner Occupied
  • Fixed undefined year
  • 20% min deposit
  • P&I

2024 Award Winner


Receive an extra 0.01% p.a. discount every year, up to a maximum discount of 0.30% p.a.
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*





Neat Home Loan

Real Time Rating™
  • Owner Occupied
  • Fixed undefined year
  • 40% min deposit
  • P&I


Get a home loan with low variable rates and no annual fee.
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*

