Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Laine Gordon is the Head of Public Relations at RateCity and an experienced journalist and research specialist. With a background in news and feature writing, covering finance, media and even food (a passion of hers) at Reed Elsevier publications, Laine brings almost two decades of experience to the team. Having covered major areas of interest to the general public from hip pocket issues to rising and falling interest rates and the impact to mortgages, credit and saving in Australia, she is passionate about researching and telling people’s stories to help others make better decisions about their own finances.

1021 articles written by Laine Gordon

Home Loans

FHOB rush Guide to finding the best home loan

Don’t lose your head in the rush to find the right house and the best mortgage before the government’s Boost payments are reduced after September 30. Jackie Pearson investigates tips to finding your first home loan

Home Loans

Spring break Mortgage borrowers go wild!

Spring is the time of the year when both the residential property and mortgage markets thrive - just be careful you end up with the right house and the right mortgage. Real estate agents call it the Spring Harvest. Across Australia, September and October are traditionally the busiest months of the year for buying and selling real estate and, as a consequence, the mortgage market booms

Credit Cards

Downsizing Debt Avoiding a lifetime of payments

From credit cards to car loans, mortgages and even student loans, most of us have debts weighing on our minds and draining our savings. Recent research shows credit card applications are on the rise, and have been for a few months now.

Car Loans

Car sharing The cheaper alternative to owning a car?

Are your car loan costs too high? Sell it, share it, and save. New car sharing companies are popping up in all capital cities to help consumers cut down on the running costs of owning your own car.

Credit Cards

Card charges ATM reform rip off

Changes to ATM access fees next month will mean hassles when withdrawing money from ATMs. With additional charges from both banks and ATM owners, this double-whammy on cash withdrawals made from foreign ATMs could lead people towards other options, like credit cards.

Personal Loans

Can't Buy Me Love Loans and relationships

What to do when the bills, credit cards, personal loans get in the way of your relationship - a Valentine’s Day guide to financial and relationship bliss. You love the same music and movies, share the same tastes in furniture, art and food. You even discuss politics and religion peacefully. But what about your attitudes to money?

Car Insurance

5 Ways to Reduce Your Car Insurance Premiums

Some things such as your age and gender cannot be changed to obtain cheaper car insurance, but there are many things possible for lowering your annual premium expenses. Here are our five top suggestions.

Car Insurance

Oh No; I Forgot to Renew my Drivers Licence!

While the law understands that anyone drink driving is not physically able to control a vehicle properly an insurance policy may be equally void because the driver was not the holder of a current licence.

Bank Accounts

How transaction fees work

The right transaction account for you will depend on how you do your banking, whether you have multiple accounts and loans with the one provider and how many transactions you make per month. Let’s say you have your transaction account, mortgage, a term deposit and a credit card all with the same bank. It may be worth your while to be with an institution that uses rebates.

Bank Accounts

Switching bank accounts a step by step guide

With the current state of the financial market, interest rates on deposit accounts declining by the day, and monthly account keeping fees eating into our hard earned savings, there's no better time than now to switch accounts.