Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Laine Gordon is the Head of Public Relations at RateCity and an experienced journalist and research specialist. With a background in news and feature writing, covering finance, media and even food (a passion of hers) at Reed Elsevier publications, Laine brings almost two decades of experience to the team. Having covered major areas of interest to the general public from hip pocket issues to rising and falling interest rates and the impact to mortgages, credit and saving in Australia, she is passionate about researching and telling people’s stories to help others make better decisions about their own finances.

1021 articles written by Laine Gordon

Home Loans

Calling Gen Y the property market needs you!

Generation Y may yet cast off their slacker image, with new research indicating those born between about 1982 and 2001 will lead the Australian housing market out of the gloom and into a new era of prosperity.

Home Loans

Australia's best value home loans

Your Investment Property magazine has announced their list of the best mortgage deals now available. The research takes into account not only the comparison rate but also major costs such as deferred establishment fees, upfront and ongoing fees.

Home Loans

Property investors buoy flagging housing market

Australian Finance Group (AFG) has released data stating that investors are responsible for an unexpected 18.8 percent hike in mortgage sales in May. The figures also revealed that investment buyers accounted for 36.5 percent of the market in the same period.

Home Loans

Housing boost for the Sunshine State

The cost of buying a new home in Queensland is set to ease in about six weeks when the state government's building boost grant comes into effect. But other plans to emerge from the Queensland state budget will mean some residents will pay increased stamp duty.

Home Loans

NSW under most mortgage stress

Borrowers in NSW are on average closest to suffering mortgage stress compared to those living in the other states and territories, new research has revealed.

Home Loans

Refinancing packages account for one in three home loans

The number of homeowners seeking to refinance their home loan to get a better deal has jumped by 5 percent in the first quarter of 2011. Refinancing now accounts for around one in every three home loans approved.

Home Loans

Nationwide property round up

It’s a buyers’ market in Melbourne; auctions go gangbusters on the Sunshine Coast; properties are overpriced in WA, and if you’re looking to invest, units are the way to go.

Home Loans

First homebuyers happy to take in boarders to pay the mortgage

Would you be willing to rent out the spare room, or live at home with the folks for longer in order to afford your own home? According to a new Mortgage Choice survey, young Australians are prepared to do both.

Home Loans

Home loan approval figures improve in April

Home loan approvals rose by 4.8 percent in April, but the RBA warns this is not a sign the lending slump is over.

Home Loans

RBA keeps interest rates steady

In spite of all the will-they-or-won’t-they hoopla surrounding an interest rate rise, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has once more kept the official cash rate on hold at 4.75 percent.