Laine Gordon

Head of Public Relations

Laine Gordon is the Head of Public Relations at RateCity and an experienced journalist and research specialist. With a background in news and feature writing, covering finance, media and even food (a passion of hers) at Reed Elsevier publications, Laine brings almost two decades of experience to the team. Having covered major areas of interest to the general public from hip pocket issues to rising and falling interest rates and the impact to mortgages, credit and saving in Australia, she is passionate about researching and telling people’s stories to help others make better decisions about their own finances.

1021 articles written by Laine Gordon

Car Insurance

Does your car insurer discriminate by your car colour?

RateCity's car insurance myth buster series reveals the truth about a range of common myths associated with car insurance. Most people believe that red cars go faster, white cars are easier to see and black have poor visibility, especially at night. But when it comes to insuring your car, does the colour of your car affect the price of your premium?

Home Loans

Save $300 a month by switching mortgages

Moving your home loan from one lender to another isn't always as easy as one, two, three. There could be costs involved, decisions to make and sometimes the whole process can end up costing you more. But with some careful planning and by doing some research, switching lenders can be worthwhile.

Home Loans

Get the best of both worlds and split your mortgage

There are rumours that the cash rate could increase towards the end of the year or early next year. If these rumours turn out to be true, the decision on whether borrowers should fix or not could be a little easier, that is if you choose to split your loan.

Home Loans

Borrowers warned to watch their mortgage rates

Last week, while the nation absorbed the news that Labor will remain in government, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) announced that the official cash rate would remain unchanged at 4.5 percent for the fourth consecutive month. However while this news is good for borrowers, mortgage holders, particularly first home buyers should be cautious of lenders increasing interest rates for home loans.

Car Insurance

The price you pay for not having car insurance

RateCity's car insurance myth-buster series reveals the truth about a range of common myths associated around car insurance. This time we look into the old adage of why fix something if it ain't broken? I have never had a car accident or my car has never been stolen so therefore I don't need car insurance.

Home Loans

Sold! How to prepare for buying a home at auction

Buying a home at auction can not only be an exhilarating experience but it can also be a great way to nab yourself a property at a great price. Unlike other ways of buying property, buying at auction can offer other benefits, such as greater buying opportunities, an immediate result, a prepared mortgage, and unlike private sales you always know what the offers are.

Home Loans

Try before you buy your dream home

Trying before you buy a home, with an extended period to rent gives you the added bonus of having extra time to get your finances sorted in time for a home loan. If you decide that this option is for you or if you want to purchase property the old-fashioned way and are in the market for a mortgage, compare home loans online before making any decisions.

Home Loans

First home buyers could benefit from a home loan package

If you are a first home buyer, considering one of the major lenders through to the smaller brands is one of the toughest choices you will make when choosing a home loan. So why do so many Australians shop with one of the major banks, namely ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, NAB and Westpac?

Home Loans

Protect yourself from dodgy property cover ups

Some people will do almost anything they can to cover up major problems, especially if money comes into the equation. Take buying a house, for example. We have all heard of cases where the seller has covered up an issue for the purpose of selling their house at a higher price.

Car Insurance

Would you switch car insurers over a claim?

When it comes to your car insurance, RateCity looks into both ends of the spectrum - the big dominant players and smaller, newer companies - and how to know which end you can trust.