HIncrease your chances of a loan approval

Whether you are applying for a more sizeable home loan or a smaller personal loan, your chances of approval will be much greater if you are prepared and pre-empt any concerns your chosen lender may have.

The danger of low interest rates

With record low interest rates, it may be tempting to borrow more money to buy your dream home while the repayments are also low.

When property investment goes wrong

Last week’s RBA rate hold announcement was great news for Australian property investors. With the cash rate set to stay at 2.5 percent, a high demand for rental properties and property prices across Australia booming, it presents attractive market conditions for property investors.

Five smart room fixes to boost your home sale

If you’ve ever inspected a home to buy, you know that a fuss-free well-presented property is a far more attractive proposition than one with wonky guttering or musty old carpet. So if you’re on the selling side of the equation, making cosmetic improvements and smart repairs can help you sell your home faster at a higher price.

How to retire gracefully

With the May 13 government budget announcement looming, there is lots of speculation surrounding retirement as Treasurer Joe Hockey casts an eye over the age pension, retirement age and superannuation – so what can you be doing to set yourself up for retirement?

How to sell your home while buying a new one

Whether you are upsizing or downsizing, the process of selling your home and juggling home loans, while buying a new one, can be fraught with stress and unwelcome costs.

Is it harder for first home buyers to enter the market?

Anyone trying to buy a home in Australia knows our property prices are among the highest in the world. As a result, it can be particularly hard for first home buyers to break into the market.

Are you financial ready to fly the nest?

Deciding to fly the nest and leave the security of your parent’s humble abode can be daunting – especially if you are soaring towards your first home loan. Besides being emotionally prepared for regular home loan repayments and long-term investments there are a lot of other questions you should be asking yourself.

Negative gearing update

There have been calls for its abolishment in the past, and now reports suggest the federal government is at least considering changes to negative gearing.

Home versus baby: Can you tackle both?

Starting a family is a happy and exciting time, but it can also be financially stressful transitioning from two incomes to one while taking on the extra costs that come with a newborn.

What every first home buyer needs to know

Buying a home is a big commitment, both financially and emotionally. There is quite a lot to plan, organise and consider during the process, besides simply securing a home loan, so here is our list of what every first home buyer should know.

Are you ready to buy an investment property?

Property investment is a popular wealth creation strategy in Australia, and it’s easy to see why. Houses and apartments can be easier to understand than the share market, not to mention less volatile, and a shortage of stock can guarantee a steady capital gains trajectory.

Is now a good time to buy a home?

If you already own your home, the good news is that its value is likely to steadily increase this year.

Mutual benefits: what's a non-bank?

Unlike the publicly listed big banks, which have a responsibility to maximise profits for shareholders, credit unions, mutual building societies and mutual banks focus on their members – or customers.

Five tips to shrink your home loan

Your home loan doesn’t have to rule your life forever. Follow these five smart tips to shrink your debt and own your home faster.

Five steps towards a financially secure future

Think you’re too young to start planning towards a financially secure future? Think again. There are simple steps you can take to start managing your money early and take control of your financial security.

Top five risks of renovating

If you are considering improving your home or are keen to get into the renovate-and-sell game, there are five risks you should keep in mind.

The ins and outs of stamp duty

There are many costs associated with buying a home, and stamp duty is probably the biggest.

Promoted home loans products


loans.com.au Pty Ltd

Solar Home Loan

Real Time Rating™
  • Owner Occupied
  • Fixed undefined year
  • 10% min deposit
  • P&I
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*




loans.com.au Pty Ltd

Variable Home Loan

Real Time Rating™
  • Owner Occupied
  • Fixed undefined year
  • 10% min deposit
  • P&I
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*




Unloan (a division of CBA)

Variable Rate Home Loan LVR < 80%

Real Time Rating™
  • Owner Occupied
  • Fixed undefined year
  • 20% min deposit
  • P&I

2024 Award Winner


Receive an extra 0.01% p.a. discount every year, up to a maximum discount of 0.30% p.a.
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*





Neat Home Loan

Real Time Rating™
  • Owner Occupied
  • Fixed undefined year
  • 40% min deposit
  • P&I


Get a home loan with low variable rates and no annual fee.
Interest Rate



Comparison Rate*

