Jodie Humphries

Personal Finance Editor

Jodie Humphries is an experienced Personal & Home Finances Editor for RateCity with expertise in financial topics, including credit, loans, superannuation, mortgage and housing, insurance, telecommunications, and more. For over a decade, Jodie's journalism and editing career has seen work published at both Finder and Sharesight, and as one of RateCity's chief contributors, Jodie spends her time working on ways to make personal finances within reach of everyone in Australia.

627 articles written by Jodie Humphries


How to check if your super is being underpaid

Millions of Australian workers may not realise that they’re being underpaid superannuation. Here are some ways you can check if you’re one of them.


What are preserved superannuation benefits and when can you access them?

Preserved super benefits refer to the super contributions you can only access once you meet a condition of release. Learn more about accessing your super.

Home Loans

How to purchase property as a couple but keep one name on the property title

If you’re purchasing a property with another person and want both names on the mortgage but only one name on the property title, you’ll need to check if your lender allows this.


When should I retire?

In this article we’ll explore when the best time to say goodbye to work is and all the factors you should consider before putting in your resignation notice.

Home Loans

5 main home loan features you should consider

When you begin your search for a home loan there is a lot to take into consideration. It's not simply about finding the cheapest home loan rate, although this will play into your final decision. We've put together a list of the most important home loan factors to help you choose the right home loan for you.

Home Loans

What makes a good home loan?

Finding the perfect home loan is no easy feat but a search worth investing in. Knowing what rates and features make a good home loan will help steer you down the right path.

Buy Now Pay Later

Buy now pay later vs personal loan

Thinking about making a pricey purchase but don’t want to splash all your cash at once? Buy now pay later (BNPL) and personal loans are two alternatives to choose from.

Car Loans

Hybrid vs plug-in hybrid cars

In this article, you will understand the difference between Hybrid and a plug-in hybrid car to help you make a right buying decision that suits your need

Home Loans

What is a honeymoon rate and honeymoon period?

Confused by the term ‘honeymoon rate’ when searching around for a home loan? Let’s break down what a honeymoon rate is and what you can expect if you get one.

Home Loans

Three mistakes that home buyers make

Buying a home is arguably the biggest purchase you’ll ever make. It pays to do your research beforehand so you can make well-informed choices you’re confident in, and don’t find yourself regretting any decisions down the track.